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NEW SWAG BAGS for our customers...

At last our new Customer Laundry bags have arrived. We call them 'SWAG BAGS'

They can easily hold most customer orders up to approximately 10Kgs - please don't load them up with any more as this will stress the seams of the bag (and the Backs of the TEAM!)

They are FREE on LOAN to our customers for as long as you use the service. They will safely and securely keep your laundry together whilst in transit, and provide another barrier to the spread of infection. Your bag will be laundered before it is returned to you with your order.

If customers could please refrain from loading up the bags with hangers etc. then they will a lot longer.

Please don't use them for anything else other than Laundry, and don't share them with anyone else.

If you have dry cleaning for us please add it to a separate bag (carrier) and we'll return with your completed order.

The bags carry a cost of £6.00 each, and this will be credited to your first order back after the break.

Please make sure your bags are packed correctly

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